Psychologist Qualifications and Training

Doug McCall
study psychology in New Zealand

​Links to Study Advice

We often receive inquiries from aspiring psychologists seeking study advice about which courses to take or what psychology speciality offers the best career prospects. Others are seeking information on the opportunity to studying psychology in New Zealand.  While we appreciate the contact, and opportunity to discuss the profession we nevertheless specialise in assisting qualified psychologists find new career paths and relocation to New Zealand. Much as we like to encourage the study of psychology we are not the ones to  guide study decisions, as this falls outside our expertise. There are various important factors to consider, and other individuals, training organisations, and professional bodies are better suited to offer advice on these matters. 

For guidance on career choice and  study decisions, we suggest exploring several resources:

    Remember to research and verify the credibility of the sources you consult, and consider seeking guidance from multiple sources to gain a well-rounded perspective on training to be a psychologist. 
    Good luck, and please remember to contact us when you are fully qualified.

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Doug McCall

Doug McCall

Owner and Recruiter

Doug helps psychologists transition to working and living in New Zealand. He has extensive knowledge of local psychology practices, international relocation, and the job market for psychologists.